Reider, K.E., Bueno de Mesquita, C.P. et al. 2025. Wild Andean camelids promote rapid ecosystem development after glacier retreat. Sci Reports 14: 31913. [Reprint]
Cimpoiasu MO et al. 2025. High-resolution 4D electrical resistivity tomography and below-ground point sensor monitoring of High Arctic deglaciated sediments capture zero-curtain effects, freeze–thaw transitions, and mid-winter thawing. The Cryosphere 19: 401–421. [Reprint]
Trejos-Espeleta JC, JP Marin-Jaramillo, SK Schmidt, PA Sommers, JA Bradley, WD Orsi. 2024. Principal role of fungi in soil carbon stabilization during early pedogenesis in the high Arctic. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 121: e2402689121 [Reprint]
Schmidt SK, L Vimercati, AJ Solon, JN Robinson, CP Bueno de Mesquita, BW Johnson. 2024. Evidence for rapid ecosystem retrogression along a post-glacial chronosequence in Antarctica. Polar Biology [Reprint]
Bueno de Mesquita CP, L Vimercati, et al. 2024. Fungal diversity and function in metagenomes sequenced from extreme environments. Fungal Ecology 72: 101383. [Reprint]
Lyu Z, P Sommers, SK Schmidt, M Magnani, MO Cimpoiasu, O Kuras et al. 2024. Seasonal dynamics of Arctic soils: capturing year-round processes in measurements and soil biogeochemical models. Earth-Science Reviews 254: 104820. [Reprint]
Cimpoiasu MO, O Kuras, H Harrison et al. 2024. Characterization of a deglaciated sediment chronosequence in the High Arctic using near‐surface geoelectrical monitoring methods. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes 35: 157-171. [Reprint]
McQueen PJ, K Gattoni, EMS Gendron, A Solon et al. 2024. Glyphosate-based restoration of a degraded grassland threatens soil health and the diversity of nematode communities. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 191: 109350. [Reprint]
Dragone NB, LB Perry, AJ Solon, A Seimon, TA Seimon, SK Schmidt. 2023. Genetic analysis of the frozen microbiome at 7900 m a.s.l., on the South Col of Sagarmatha (Mount Everest). Arctic Antarctic and Alpine Research 55:2164999 [Reprint] [Press: MongaBay, CU, Outside,, AXIOS, CTVnews, ScienceAlert, SciTechDaily, ENN, IndianExpress,, IndexJournal]
Shepherd R, LM Brigham, CP Bueno de Mesquita, et al. 2023. Trophic group specific responses of alpine nematode communities to 18 years of N deposition. Plant and Soil 494: 353–371. [Reprint]
Brigham LM, CP Bueno de Mesquita et al. 2023. Drivers of bacterial and fungal root endophyte communities: understanding the relative influence of host plant, environment, and space. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 99: fiad034. [Reprint]
Bueno de Mesquita CP, AJ Solon, A Barfield, CF Mastrangelo et al. 2023. Adverse impacts of Roundup on soil bacteria, soil chemistry, and mycorrhizal fungi during restoration of a Colorado grassland. Applied Soil Ecology 185: 104778. [Reprint]
McQueen JP, K Gattoni, E Gendron, SK Schmidt, P Sommers, DL Porazinska. 2023. External and internal microbiomes of Antarctic nematodes are distinct, but more similar to each other than the surrounding environment. J. Nematology 55: [Reprint]
Schmidt SK, BW Johnson, AJ Solon et al. 2022. Microbial biogeochemistry and phosphorus limitation in cryoconite holes across the Taylor Valley, McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica. Biogeochemistry 158: 313-323. [Reprint]
Vimercati L, CP Bueno de Mesquita, BW Johnson, D Mineart, E DeForce, Y Vimercati Molano, H Ducklow, SK Schmidt. 2022. Dynamic trophic shifts in bacterial and eukaryotic communities during the first 30 years of microbial succession following retreat of an Antarctic glacier. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 98: fiac122 [Reprint]
McQueen, JP, K Gattoni, EMS Gendron, SK Schmidt et al. 2022. Host identity is the dominant factor in the assembly of nematode and tardigrade gut microbiomes in Antarctic Dry Valley streams. Scientific Reports 12: 20118. [Reprint]
Luecke NC, CP Bueno de Mesquita, M Luong et al. 2022. Causes and consequences of differences in soil and seed microbiomes for two alpine plants. Oecologia 200: 385–396. [Reprint]
Steppan SJ, T Bowen, M Bangs, M Farson et al. 2022. Evidence of a population of leaf-eared mice (Phyllotis vaccarum) above 6,000 m in the Andes. Journal Mammalogy 103: 776–785. [Reprint]
Lim MCW, A Seimon, B Nightingale, CCY Xu, SRP Halloy et al. 2022. Estimating biodiversity across the tree of life on Mount Everest’s southern flank with environmental DNA. iScience 25: 104848 [Reprint]
Brigham LM, CP Bueno de Mesquita, JG Smith, SA Sartwel et al. 2022. Do plant-soil interactions influence how the microbial community responds to environmental change? Ecology 103: e03554. [Reprint]
Porazinska DL, TR Seastedt, E Gendron, SK Schmidt. 2022. Invasive annual cheatgrass enhances the abundance of native microbial and microinvertebrate eukaryotes but reduces invasive earthworms. Plant and Soil 473: 591–604. [Reprint]
Rozwalak P, P Podkowa, J Buda et al. 2022. Cryoconite – From minerals and organic matter to bioengineered sediments on glacier surfaces. Science of the Total Environment 807: 150874 [Reprint]
Vincent K, H Holland-Moritz et al. 2022. Crossing treeline: Bacterioplankton communities of alpine and subalpine Rocky Mountain lakes. Frontiers Microbiology 12: 533121. [Reprint]
Buscardo E, J Geml, SK Schmidt, H Freitas, AP Souza, HB Cunha, L Nagy. 2022. Nitrogen pulses increase fungal pathogens in Amazonian lowland tropical rain forests. Journal Ecology 110: 1775-1789. [Reprint]
Reider KE and SK Schmidt. 2022. Vicuña dung gardens at the edge of the cryosphere: Reply. Ecology 103: e03579. [Reprint]
Solon A, Mastrangelo C, et al. 2022. Gullies and moraines are islands of biodiversity in an arid, mountain landscape, Asgard Range, Antarctica. Frontiers Microbiology 12: 654135. [Reprint]
Reider KE, and SK Schmidt. 2021. Vicuña dung gardens at the edge of the cryosphere. Ecology 102: e03228. 10.1002/ecy.3228
Hu W, SK Schmidt, P Sommers, JL Darcy, DL Porazinska. 2021. Multi‐trophic patterns of primary succession following retreat of a high‐elevation glacier. Ecosphere 12: e03400. [Reprint]
Knelman J, SK Schmidt, EB Graham. 2021. Cyanobacteria in early soil development of deglaciated forefields: Dominance of non-heterocystous filamentous cyanobacteria and phosphorus limitation of N-fixing Nostocales. Soil Biology Biochemistry 154: 108127
Buscardo E, RC Souza, P Meir et al. 2021. Effects of natural and experimental drought on soil fungi and biogeochemistry in an Amazon rain forest. Commun Earth Environ 2: 55. [Reprint]
Vimercati L, CP Bueno de Mesquita, SK Schmidt. 2020. Limited response of indigenous microbes to water and nutrient pulses in high-elevation Atacama soils: Implications for the cold–dry limits of life on Earth. Microorganisms 8: 1061.
Darcy JL, AD Washburne, MS Robeson, T Prest, SK Schmidt, CA Lozupone. 2020. A phylogenetic model for the recruitment of species into microbial communities and application to studies of the human microbiome. ISME Journal 14: 1359- 1368.
Bueno de Mesquita CP, LM Brigham, P Sommers, D Porazinska, EC Farrer, JL Darcy, KN Suding, SK Schmidt. 2020. Evidence for phosphorus limitation in high-elevation unvegetated soils, Niwot Ridge, Colorado. Biogeochem. 147: 1-13.
Schmidt, SK, Sowell, P, Schubert, ZR et al. 2020. Of Microbes and Mummies: Tales of Microbial Activity and Inactivity at 6000 m a.s.l. pp 97-112 IN Microbial Ecosystems in Central Andes Extreme Environments. Springer International Publishing, Cham.
Sommers P, DL Porazinska, JL Darcy et al. 2020. Microbial species–area relationships in Antarctic cryoconite holes depend on productivity. Microorganisms 8: 1747.
Zawierucha K, D Porazinska, GF Ficetola, R Ambrosini, G Baccolo, J Buda et al. 2020. A hole in the nematosphere: tardigrades and rotifers dominate the cryoconite hole environment, whereas nematodes are missing. J. Zoology 313: 18-36. [Reprint]
Meade CV, CP Bueno de Mesquita, SK Schmidt, KN Suding. 2020. The presence of a foreign microbial community promotes plant growth and reduces filtering of root fungi in the arctic-alpine plant Silene acaulis. Plant Ecology Diversity. 13: 377–390.
Bueno de Mesquita CP, SA Sartwell, SK Schmidt, KN Suding. 2020. Growing-season length and soil microbes influence the performance of a generalist bunchgrass beyond its current range. Ecology 101: e03095
Darcy JL, EMS Gendron, P Sommers, DL Porazinska, SK Schmidt. 2019. Island Biogeography of cryoconite hole bacteria in Antarctica's Taylor Valley and around the world. Frontiers Ecology Evolution 6: 10.3389/fevo.2018.00180
Vimercati L., A.J. Solon, A. et al. 2019. Nieves penitentes are a new habitat for snow algae in one of the most extreme high elevation environments on Earth. Arctic, Antarctic, Alpine Res. 51: 190-200. [Reprint]. [Press: NYTimes, News]
Sommers P. et al. 2019. Single-Stranded DNA Viruses in Antarctic Cryoconite Holes. Viruses 11: 1022 doi:10.3390/v11111022
Vimercati, L., Darcy, J. L., Schmidt, S. K. 2019. The disappearing periglacial ecosystem atop Mt. Kilimanjaro supports both cosmopolitan and endemic microbial communities. Scientific Reports 9: 1-14.
Sommers P., D.L. Porazinska, et al. 2019. Experimental cryoconite holes as mesocosms for studying community ecology. Polar Biology 42: 1973-1984.
For a complete list of publications please see: Google Scholar- S. K. Schmidt
Some Wildly Popular older pubs:
Vimercati L., A.J. Solon, A. et al. 2019. Nieves penitentes are a new habitat for snow algae in one of the most extreme high elevation environments on Earth. Arctic, Antarctic, Alpine Res. 51: 190-200. [Reprint]. [Press: NYTimes, News]
Darcy J.L., S.K. Schmidt, et al. 2018. Phosphorus, not nitrogen, limits plants and microbial primary producers following glacial retreat. Science Advances 4: eaaq0942. [Reprint]. [Press: News]
Schmidt S.K. et al. 2018. Life at extreme elevations on Atacama volcanoes: The closest thing to Mars on Earth? Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 111: 1389–1401.
Bueno de Mesquita, C.P., et al. 2018. Patterns of root colonization by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and dark septate endophytes across a mostly-unvegetated, high-elevation landscape. Fungal Ecology 36: 63-74. [Reprint]
Porazinska, D.L.. et al. 2018. Plant diversity and density predict below-ground diversity and function in an early successional alpine ecosystem. Ecology 99: 1942-1952.
Schmidt S.K., L. Vimercati, et al. 2017. A Naganishia in high places: functioning populations or dormant cells from the atmosphere? Mycology 8: 153–163.
Vimercati L., S. Hamsher, Z. Schubert, S.K. Schmidt. 2016. Growth of a high-elevation Cryptococcus (Naganishia) sp. during extreme freeze-thaw cycles. Extremophiles 20: 579-588.
Schmidt, S.K., et al. 2016. Biogeochemical stoichiometry reveals P and N limitation across the post-glacial landscape of Denali National Park, Alaska. Ecosystems 19: 1164–1177.
Darcy, J.L., S.K. Schmidt. 2016. Nutrient limitation of microbial phototrophs on a debris-covered glacier. Soil Biol. Biochem. 95: 156-163.
Nemergut D.R., J.E. Knelman, S. Ferrenberg, T. Bilinski, et al. 2016. Decreases in average bacterial community rRNA operon copy number during succession. ISME Journal 10: 1147-1156.
Schmidt, S.K., D. R. Nemergut, J.L. Darcy et al. 2014. Do bacterial and fungal communities assemble differently during primary succession? Molecular Ecology 23: 254-258.
Lynch, R., J.L. Darcy, N. Kane, D.R. Nemergut, S.K. Schmidt. 2014. Metagenomic evidence for metabolism of trace atmospheric gases by high-elevation desert Actinobacteria. Frontiers Microbiol. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2014.00698
Nemergut DR, S.K. Schmidt. T. Fukami, et al. 2013. Patterns and Processes of Microbial Community Assembly. Microbiol. Mol. Biol. Rev. 77: 342-356.
Schmidt, S.K., et al. 2012. Fungal communities at the edge: Ecological lessons from high alpine fungi. Fung. Ecol. 5: 443-452. [Reprint]
Lynch, R., A.J. King, M.E. Farías, P. Sowell, C. Vitry, S.K. Schmidt. 2012. The potential for microbial life in the highest elevation (>6000 m.a.s.l.) mineral soils of the Atacama region. J. Geophys. Res. 117: G02028
Robeson, M.S. A.J. King, et al. 2011. Soil Rotifer communities are extremely diverse globally but spatially autocorrelated locally. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 108: 4406-4410.
Schmidt, S.K., et al. 2011. Phylogeography of microbial phototrophs in the dry valleys of the high Himalayas and Antarctica. Proc. Roy. Soc. B. 278: 702-708.
King, A.J., K.R. Freeman, C.A. Lozupone, R. Knight and S.K. Schmidt. 2010. Biogeography and habitat modeling of high-alpine bacteria. Nature Commun. 1: 53 [Reprint]
Schmidt, S.K., K.L. Wilson, et al. 2009. Exponential growth of “snow molds” at sub-zero temperatures: an explanation for high beneath-snow respiration rates and Q10 values. Biogeochemistry 95: 13-21. [Reprint]
Freeman, K.R., et al. 2009. Evidence that chytrids dominate fungal communities in high-elevation soils. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 106: 18315-18320.
Costello, E.K., S.R.P. Halloy, S.C. Reed, P. Sowell, S.K. Schmidt. 2009. Fumarole-supported islands of biodiversity within a hyperarid, high-elevation landscape on Socompa Volcano, Puna de Atacama, Andes. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 75: 735-747.
Schmidt, S.K., S.C. Reed, D.R. Nemergut, et al. 2008. The earliest stages of ecosystem succession in high-elevation, recently de-glaciated soils. Proc. Roy. Soc. B 275: 2793-2802.
Schmidt, S.K., E.K. Costello, D.R. Nemergut et al. 2007. Biogeochemical consequences of rapid microbial turnover and seasonal succession in soil. Ecology 88: 1379-1385.
Nemergut, D.R., et al. 2007. Microbial community succession in unvegetated, recently-deglaciated soils. Microbial Ecology 53: 110-122.
Monson, R.K., D.A. Lipson, S.P....... M.W. Williams and S.K. Schmidt. 2006. Winter forest soil respiration controlled by climate and microbial community composition. Nature 439: 711-714.
Schmidt, S.K. and D.A. Lipson. 2004. Microbial growth under the snow; Implications for nutrient availability in temperate soils. Plant and Soil 259: 1-7.
Lipson, D.A. and S.K. Schmidt. 2004. Seasonal changes in an alpine soil bacterial community in the Colorado Rocky Mountains. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 70: 2867-2879.
Ley, R.E., M.W. Williams and S.K. Schmidt. 2004. Microbial population dynamics in an extreme environment: Controlling factors in talus soils at 3750m in the Colorado Rocky Mountains. Biogeochemistry 68: 313-335.
Schadt, C.W., A.P. Martin, D.A. Lipson and S.K. Schmidt. 2003. Seasonal dynamics of previously unknown fungal lineages in tundra soils. Science 301: 1359-1361.
Lipson, D.A., S.K. Schmidt, R.K. Monson. 2000. Carbon availability and temperature control the post-snowmelt decline in alpine soil microbial biomass. Soil Biol. Biochem. 32: 441-448.
West, A.E., P.D. Brooks, M.C. Fisk, et al. 1999. Landscape patterns of CH4 fluxes in an alpine tundra ecosystem. Biogeochemistry 45: 243-264.
Brooks, P.D., M.W. Williams and S.K. Schmidt. 1998. Inorganic N and microbial biomass dynamics before and during spring snowmelt. Biogeochemistry 43: 1-15.
Cimpoiasu MO et al. 2025. High-resolution 4D electrical resistivity tomography and below-ground point sensor monitoring of High Arctic deglaciated sediments capture zero-curtain effects, freeze–thaw transitions, and mid-winter thawing. The Cryosphere 19: 401–421. [Reprint]
Trejos-Espeleta JC, JP Marin-Jaramillo, SK Schmidt, PA Sommers, JA Bradley, WD Orsi. 2024. Principal role of fungi in soil carbon stabilization during early pedogenesis in the high Arctic. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 121: e2402689121 [Reprint]
Schmidt SK, L Vimercati, AJ Solon, JN Robinson, CP Bueno de Mesquita, BW Johnson. 2024. Evidence for rapid ecosystem retrogression along a post-glacial chronosequence in Antarctica. Polar Biology [Reprint]
Bueno de Mesquita CP, L Vimercati, et al. 2024. Fungal diversity and function in metagenomes sequenced from extreme environments. Fungal Ecology 72: 101383. [Reprint]
Lyu Z, P Sommers, SK Schmidt, M Magnani, MO Cimpoiasu, O Kuras et al. 2024. Seasonal dynamics of Arctic soils: capturing year-round processes in measurements and soil biogeochemical models. Earth-Science Reviews 254: 104820. [Reprint]
Cimpoiasu MO, O Kuras, H Harrison et al. 2024. Characterization of a deglaciated sediment chronosequence in the High Arctic using near‐surface geoelectrical monitoring methods. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes 35: 157-171. [Reprint]
McQueen PJ, K Gattoni, EMS Gendron, A Solon et al. 2024. Glyphosate-based restoration of a degraded grassland threatens soil health and the diversity of nematode communities. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 191: 109350. [Reprint]
Dragone NB, LB Perry, AJ Solon, A Seimon, TA Seimon, SK Schmidt. 2023. Genetic analysis of the frozen microbiome at 7900 m a.s.l., on the South Col of Sagarmatha (Mount Everest). Arctic Antarctic and Alpine Research 55:2164999 [Reprint] [Press: MongaBay, CU, Outside,, AXIOS, CTVnews, ScienceAlert, SciTechDaily, ENN, IndianExpress,, IndexJournal]
Shepherd R, LM Brigham, CP Bueno de Mesquita, et al. 2023. Trophic group specific responses of alpine nematode communities to 18 years of N deposition. Plant and Soil 494: 353–371. [Reprint]
Brigham LM, CP Bueno de Mesquita et al. 2023. Drivers of bacterial and fungal root endophyte communities: understanding the relative influence of host plant, environment, and space. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 99: fiad034. [Reprint]
Bueno de Mesquita CP, AJ Solon, A Barfield, CF Mastrangelo et al. 2023. Adverse impacts of Roundup on soil bacteria, soil chemistry, and mycorrhizal fungi during restoration of a Colorado grassland. Applied Soil Ecology 185: 104778. [Reprint]
McQueen JP, K Gattoni, E Gendron, SK Schmidt, P Sommers, DL Porazinska. 2023. External and internal microbiomes of Antarctic nematodes are distinct, but more similar to each other than the surrounding environment. J. Nematology 55: [Reprint]
Schmidt SK, BW Johnson, AJ Solon et al. 2022. Microbial biogeochemistry and phosphorus limitation in cryoconite holes across the Taylor Valley, McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica. Biogeochemistry 158: 313-323. [Reprint]
Vimercati L, CP Bueno de Mesquita, BW Johnson, D Mineart, E DeForce, Y Vimercati Molano, H Ducklow, SK Schmidt. 2022. Dynamic trophic shifts in bacterial and eukaryotic communities during the first 30 years of microbial succession following retreat of an Antarctic glacier. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 98: fiac122 [Reprint]
McQueen, JP, K Gattoni, EMS Gendron, SK Schmidt et al. 2022. Host identity is the dominant factor in the assembly of nematode and tardigrade gut microbiomes in Antarctic Dry Valley streams. Scientific Reports 12: 20118. [Reprint]
Luecke NC, CP Bueno de Mesquita, M Luong et al. 2022. Causes and consequences of differences in soil and seed microbiomes for two alpine plants. Oecologia 200: 385–396. [Reprint]
Steppan SJ, T Bowen, M Bangs, M Farson et al. 2022. Evidence of a population of leaf-eared mice (Phyllotis vaccarum) above 6,000 m in the Andes. Journal Mammalogy 103: 776–785. [Reprint]
Lim MCW, A Seimon, B Nightingale, CCY Xu, SRP Halloy et al. 2022. Estimating biodiversity across the tree of life on Mount Everest’s southern flank with environmental DNA. iScience 25: 104848 [Reprint]
Brigham LM, CP Bueno de Mesquita, JG Smith, SA Sartwel et al. 2022. Do plant-soil interactions influence how the microbial community responds to environmental change? Ecology 103: e03554. [Reprint]
Porazinska DL, TR Seastedt, E Gendron, SK Schmidt. 2022. Invasive annual cheatgrass enhances the abundance of native microbial and microinvertebrate eukaryotes but reduces invasive earthworms. Plant and Soil 473: 591–604. [Reprint]
Rozwalak P, P Podkowa, J Buda et al. 2022. Cryoconite – From minerals and organic matter to bioengineered sediments on glacier surfaces. Science of the Total Environment 807: 150874 [Reprint]
Vincent K, H Holland-Moritz et al. 2022. Crossing treeline: Bacterioplankton communities of alpine and subalpine Rocky Mountain lakes. Frontiers Microbiology 12: 533121. [Reprint]
Buscardo E, J Geml, SK Schmidt, H Freitas, AP Souza, HB Cunha, L Nagy. 2022. Nitrogen pulses increase fungal pathogens in Amazonian lowland tropical rain forests. Journal Ecology 110: 1775-1789. [Reprint]
Reider KE and SK Schmidt. 2022. Vicuña dung gardens at the edge of the cryosphere: Reply. Ecology 103: e03579. [Reprint]
Solon A, Mastrangelo C, et al. 2022. Gullies and moraines are islands of biodiversity in an arid, mountain landscape, Asgard Range, Antarctica. Frontiers Microbiology 12: 654135. [Reprint]
Reider KE, and SK Schmidt. 2021. Vicuña dung gardens at the edge of the cryosphere. Ecology 102: e03228. 10.1002/ecy.3228
Hu W, SK Schmidt, P Sommers, JL Darcy, DL Porazinska. 2021. Multi‐trophic patterns of primary succession following retreat of a high‐elevation glacier. Ecosphere 12: e03400. [Reprint]
Knelman J, SK Schmidt, EB Graham. 2021. Cyanobacteria in early soil development of deglaciated forefields: Dominance of non-heterocystous filamentous cyanobacteria and phosphorus limitation of N-fixing Nostocales. Soil Biology Biochemistry 154: 108127
Buscardo E, RC Souza, P Meir et al. 2021. Effects of natural and experimental drought on soil fungi and biogeochemistry in an Amazon rain forest. Commun Earth Environ 2: 55. [Reprint]
Vimercati L, CP Bueno de Mesquita, SK Schmidt. 2020. Limited response of indigenous microbes to water and nutrient pulses in high-elevation Atacama soils: Implications for the cold–dry limits of life on Earth. Microorganisms 8: 1061.
Darcy JL, AD Washburne, MS Robeson, T Prest, SK Schmidt, CA Lozupone. 2020. A phylogenetic model for the recruitment of species into microbial communities and application to studies of the human microbiome. ISME Journal 14: 1359- 1368.
Bueno de Mesquita CP, LM Brigham, P Sommers, D Porazinska, EC Farrer, JL Darcy, KN Suding, SK Schmidt. 2020. Evidence for phosphorus limitation in high-elevation unvegetated soils, Niwot Ridge, Colorado. Biogeochem. 147: 1-13.
Schmidt, SK, Sowell, P, Schubert, ZR et al. 2020. Of Microbes and Mummies: Tales of Microbial Activity and Inactivity at 6000 m a.s.l. pp 97-112 IN Microbial Ecosystems in Central Andes Extreme Environments. Springer International Publishing, Cham.
Sommers P, DL Porazinska, JL Darcy et al. 2020. Microbial species–area relationships in Antarctic cryoconite holes depend on productivity. Microorganisms 8: 1747.
Zawierucha K, D Porazinska, GF Ficetola, R Ambrosini, G Baccolo, J Buda et al. 2020. A hole in the nematosphere: tardigrades and rotifers dominate the cryoconite hole environment, whereas nematodes are missing. J. Zoology 313: 18-36. [Reprint]
Meade CV, CP Bueno de Mesquita, SK Schmidt, KN Suding. 2020. The presence of a foreign microbial community promotes plant growth and reduces filtering of root fungi in the arctic-alpine plant Silene acaulis. Plant Ecology Diversity. 13: 377–390.
Bueno de Mesquita CP, SA Sartwell, SK Schmidt, KN Suding. 2020. Growing-season length and soil microbes influence the performance of a generalist bunchgrass beyond its current range. Ecology 101: e03095
Darcy JL, EMS Gendron, P Sommers, DL Porazinska, SK Schmidt. 2019. Island Biogeography of cryoconite hole bacteria in Antarctica's Taylor Valley and around the world. Frontiers Ecology Evolution 6: 10.3389/fevo.2018.00180
Vimercati L., A.J. Solon, A. et al. 2019. Nieves penitentes are a new habitat for snow algae in one of the most extreme high elevation environments on Earth. Arctic, Antarctic, Alpine Res. 51: 190-200. [Reprint]. [Press: NYTimes, News]
Sommers P. et al. 2019. Single-Stranded DNA Viruses in Antarctic Cryoconite Holes. Viruses 11: 1022 doi:10.3390/v11111022
Vimercati, L., Darcy, J. L., Schmidt, S. K. 2019. The disappearing periglacial ecosystem atop Mt. Kilimanjaro supports both cosmopolitan and endemic microbial communities. Scientific Reports 9: 1-14.
Sommers P., D.L. Porazinska, et al. 2019. Experimental cryoconite holes as mesocosms for studying community ecology. Polar Biology 42: 1973-1984.
For a complete list of publications please see: Google Scholar- S. K. Schmidt
Some Wildly Popular older pubs:
Vimercati L., A.J. Solon, A. et al. 2019. Nieves penitentes are a new habitat for snow algae in one of the most extreme high elevation environments on Earth. Arctic, Antarctic, Alpine Res. 51: 190-200. [Reprint]. [Press: NYTimes, News]
Darcy J.L., S.K. Schmidt, et al. 2018. Phosphorus, not nitrogen, limits plants and microbial primary producers following glacial retreat. Science Advances 4: eaaq0942. [Reprint]. [Press: News]
Schmidt S.K. et al. 2018. Life at extreme elevations on Atacama volcanoes: The closest thing to Mars on Earth? Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 111: 1389–1401.
Bueno de Mesquita, C.P., et al. 2018. Patterns of root colonization by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and dark septate endophytes across a mostly-unvegetated, high-elevation landscape. Fungal Ecology 36: 63-74. [Reprint]
Porazinska, D.L.. et al. 2018. Plant diversity and density predict below-ground diversity and function in an early successional alpine ecosystem. Ecology 99: 1942-1952.
Schmidt S.K., L. Vimercati, et al. 2017. A Naganishia in high places: functioning populations or dormant cells from the atmosphere? Mycology 8: 153–163.
Vimercati L., S. Hamsher, Z. Schubert, S.K. Schmidt. 2016. Growth of a high-elevation Cryptococcus (Naganishia) sp. during extreme freeze-thaw cycles. Extremophiles 20: 579-588.
Schmidt, S.K., et al. 2016. Biogeochemical stoichiometry reveals P and N limitation across the post-glacial landscape of Denali National Park, Alaska. Ecosystems 19: 1164–1177.
Darcy, J.L., S.K. Schmidt. 2016. Nutrient limitation of microbial phototrophs on a debris-covered glacier. Soil Biol. Biochem. 95: 156-163.
Nemergut D.R., J.E. Knelman, S. Ferrenberg, T. Bilinski, et al. 2016. Decreases in average bacterial community rRNA operon copy number during succession. ISME Journal 10: 1147-1156.
Schmidt, S.K., D. R. Nemergut, J.L. Darcy et al. 2014. Do bacterial and fungal communities assemble differently during primary succession? Molecular Ecology 23: 254-258.
Lynch, R., J.L. Darcy, N. Kane, D.R. Nemergut, S.K. Schmidt. 2014. Metagenomic evidence for metabolism of trace atmospheric gases by high-elevation desert Actinobacteria. Frontiers Microbiol. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2014.00698
Nemergut DR, S.K. Schmidt. T. Fukami, et al. 2013. Patterns and Processes of Microbial Community Assembly. Microbiol. Mol. Biol. Rev. 77: 342-356.
Schmidt, S.K., et al. 2012. Fungal communities at the edge: Ecological lessons from high alpine fungi. Fung. Ecol. 5: 443-452. [Reprint]
Lynch, R., A.J. King, M.E. Farías, P. Sowell, C. Vitry, S.K. Schmidt. 2012. The potential for microbial life in the highest elevation (>6000 m.a.s.l.) mineral soils of the Atacama region. J. Geophys. Res. 117: G02028
Robeson, M.S. A.J. King, et al. 2011. Soil Rotifer communities are extremely diverse globally but spatially autocorrelated locally. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 108: 4406-4410.
Schmidt, S.K., et al. 2011. Phylogeography of microbial phototrophs in the dry valleys of the high Himalayas and Antarctica. Proc. Roy. Soc. B. 278: 702-708.
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